Monday 11 November 2013

Ezra the Engineer

Ezra looves building machines. A geat visionary. Fabulous Ezra!

Discovery with a Maori flair

Today our theme was Maori patterns. Here are some of the students creations

Three billy goats gruff

Sons reading group presented a play. They were responsible for the stage and costumes. What a great job. We absolutely enjoyed their acting and creatve ideas to entertain us. Fantastic Son group. 

Athletics Day

A great day for our fine athletes. Awesome!!!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Dr Suess

The theme for discovery this week was based on books written by Dr Suess.  Hats, puppets and grren eggs were activities the students made. As you can see from the photos we had a lot of fun. Our objective was to share knowledge, ideas ior give  a helping hand. Great to see how willing our students  are to help others. 

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Otara pools

This is group three doing swimming exercises to imprve their swimming style. Tangiwai the instructor is showing them the 'windmill' exercise. 

Thursday 29 August 2013

Dicovery Day

Our objective is perserverance therefore we know we have achieved our goal by presenting a completed product Our theme today is Daffodil Day. We made cards, yellow flower biscuits, beautiful paper flowers and playdough flowers.