Friday 17 May 2013

Fruits of the spirit

We are learning about the different fruits of the spirit. We sre making a fruit salad to complement our lesson. Delicious!!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Creatve spelling

we are doing somthing different to help us remember how to spell words mis-spelt often. Today we have cut letters out of a magazine to spell 'come'

Friday 10 May 2013

Destiny Junior Primary

Congratulations Jordan for your great
Attitude during reading lessons.
Congatulations Kryton you are an
Amazing reader.

Thursday 9 May 2013

TEP with the fabulous Mrs Amosa

Students in Room 3 received certificates at TEP. Every student in Room 3 achieved.
Awesome Room 3.

Junior school assembly

Jordan has an excellent attitude during reading. He loves to learn with enthusiasm!!!

Mummies visit Room 3

Lazarus rose from the dead
Students in Room 3 are preparing
Lazarus for his predestined resurrection