Thursday 15 October 2015

Welcome Room 2!

These students from Room 2 join Room 3 
for reciprocal reading. 
Reciprocal reading is student led.
The teacher models with the group
then the group learn to guide discussions
Using different strategies 
These include summarising, questions, clarifying 
and predicting.
Awesome learners!!

Experiments with Destiny College!

What great groups of students we had coming into Room 3.
We loved all the experiments. awesome!!

 Making sherbets

A fabulous way to learn about DNA !!!

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Awesome Megan for bringing your homework to school consistently and completed,

Fantastic Yasmin for your incredible work ethic and keeness to learn.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

More of BNZ TEAM visit

Winners of the colour
in competition

BNZ Visit

What a great visit from BNZteam.
They talked about saving their money.

College comes to Room 3 for Science!!

This is what happened when dish washing liquid was added to milk and food colouring,