Friday 11 November 2016

Static electricity

Another experiment demonstrating the effects of static electricity. 

Fake fire?

Fake fire. What does that mean asked someone from Room 3. 
You need hand sanitiser
Flat tile
Protective glasses

Squirt sanitiser onto tile slab. 
Light it 

Year 10 vusit for Science week

Wow!!  Super day with year 10 students. What an amazing oppotunity for our College students to share their scientific knowledge to Primary. We are a blessed school!

Monday 7 November 2016

Mr Hedgehog at Destiny School

A hedgehog has found his way into the compost bin at our school. Here he is sleeping off his late night scavenging.


We had to push skewers through a balloon without popping it!

Science week

YToday students - Jayda, Taimania, Shontae, Kobe and Joshua visited Room 3 and demonstrated different science experiments. What a great time we had. It was Super Awesome for our class to be taught by College kids. Here are we are making Sherbets. Yum!!